The on-going global health crisis caused by the COVID19 means that the F2P Campus 2020 edition had to be postponed to the summer of 2021.Β
Our team was very excited about the new opportunities we had planned for the game accelerator and its international participants, but the safety of all those involved is paramount.Β
As such, we plan to be back in action from July 2021 until September 2021, with a brand new edition of the F2P Campus with the mentoring, workshops, and the usual good vibes that have characterized our past editions.
The Games Academy event in 2020
The Games Academy event with all of its free workshops is still going to take place in 2020, towards the end of the year, when professionals from the industry will train videogame enthusiasts and share their knowledge and skills, bringing their know-how and passion to the public of Vitoria-Gasteiz.Β
Follow our social media channels for the latest news regarding the dates of the workshops and how to apply. More information will be available soon.