👾🎉 The #F2PCampus2022 is coming to an end, but.... what better way to say goodbye than with Demo Day and its closing party! 🗣️ Do you want to see the result of the projects? Next Thursday 15th September the 5 teams will take the stage with their #pitch to present us...
F2P Campus 2022
🗣 Meet the mentor: Oscar Sahun
🗣 Meet the mentor: Oscar Sahun Reguant Oscar is the Program Manager and Producer at GameBCN and he has been mentoring the #F2PCampus2022 teams for a few weeks now. It is a pleasure to have you with us! 📱 What game have you played on your way to Vitoria-Gasteiz? 🤔 Some...
🗣 Meet the mentor: Dan Syrotynsky
🗣 Meet the mentor: Dan Syrotynsky, co-founder at Vectormonk.com It is a pleasure to have him as a mentor. Thank you for joining #F2PCampus! 📱 What game have you played on your way to Vitoria-Gasteiz? 🗺Why do you think F2PCampus is special. 🤔 Some advice for someone...
🗣 Meet the mentor: Alba Iniesta
🗣 Meet the mentor: Alba Iniesta Saez, Product manager and UX designer at Scopely. It was a pleasure to hear her talk about Playability and accessibility for your game’s success. Thank you for joining #F2PCampus! 📱 What game have you played on your way to...
Unity, the tool used by beginners and expert developers at F2P Campus
A new edition of the Games Academy took place on 1, 2 and 3 September at EUNEIZ University. The aim of these workshops is none other than to publicize the creation of video games among young people as a professional outlet. During these days, Fernando Ruiz Calderón...
The F2P Campus in Vitoria-Gasteiz organizes free workshops to promote videogame development among young people
Games Academy will be held on September 1, 2 and 3 at the EUNEIZ university site and advance registration is required at apply@f2pcampus.com The third edition of the F2P Campus, an initiative backed by the Provincial Council of Álava, the Basque Government and EUNEIZ...
Meet the team: Venko Games
From Barcelona, this experienced team has already released a few games. Their project gives a new perspective to text adventure games. Their stories are based on legends and myths from different places and they are beginning with those from the Basque Country....
Meet the team: Giggling Piglets
This Canadian team has come to Vitoria-Gasteiz with three of its members, although the team is more numerous. They are presenting a side-scroller game. We had the opportunity to ask them these questions. Get to know them! 🙌🏼 Meet the team. 📱 What makes the game...
Meet the team: Happy Hedgehog Studio
From the United States, the two members of this small studio have already a game out. Check them out: https://www.happyhedgehoggames.com/ Play Store Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.HappyHedgehog.IdleBounceHeroes We had the opportunity to...
Meet the team: Glossbird
From the United States and Great Britain, the four experienced members promote doing sports in a fun way and turning healthy habits into games. Check them out: https://glossbird.com/ Subscribe to the waitlist https://playfitment.com/ We had the opportunity to...